▼CAttribute | |
CWoopWoop.RequireComponent | Specifies that a component requires certain other components to be attached to the same entity |
CWoopWoop.Audio.AudioClip | Represents an audio clip that can be played |
CWoopWoop.PolygonRenderer.BasicShapes | Contains static properties for basic shapes' vertices |
CWoopWoop.CollisionData | Represents collision data between two colliders |
▼CWoopWoop.Component | Represents a component that can be attached to an entity in the game world |
CWoopWoop.Camera | Represents a camera that can be used to view the scene |
▼CWoopWoop.Collider | Represents a collider component attached to an entity |
CWoopWoop.BoxCollider | Represents a collider component for a rectangular box |
CWoopWoop.PointCollider | |
▼CWoopWoop.Renderer | Base class for rendering components |
CWoopWoop.BasicShapeRenderer | A renderer for basic shapes such as ellipses and rectangles |
CWoopWoop.LineRenderer | Renders a line between two points |
CWoopWoop.PolygonRenderer | Renders a polygon with given vertices |
CWoopWoop.TextureRenderer | Renders a texture on an entity |
CWoopWoop.UI.TextRenderer | Represents a text renderer UI element |
▼CWoopWoop.UI.UIBoundsComponent | Represents a UI component with defined bounds |
CWoopWoop.UI.Button | Represents a button UI element |
CWoopWoop.UI.Checkbox | Represents a checkbox UI element |
CWoopWoop.UI.ColorPicker | Represents a color picker UI element |
CWoopWoop.UI.DropdownMenu | Represents a dropdown menu UI element |
CWoopWoop.UI.Label | |
▼CWoopWoop.UI.Slider | Represents a slider UI element |
CWoopWoop.UI.SliderBar | |
CWoopWoop.UI.UIWindow | Represents a window UI element |
CWoopWoop.TrailRenderer | Renders a trail behind an entity |
CWoopWoop.Transform | Represents the transformation component of an entity |
CWoopWoop.UI.Canvas | Represents a canvas UI element |
CWoopWoop.UI.HorizontalGrid | Represents a horizontal grid component that arranges its child elements horizontally |
CWoopWoop.UI.VerticalGrid | Represents a component that arranges child entities in a vertical grid layout |
CWoopWoop.Debug | Provides methods for logging debug messages with different colors |
CWoopWoop.Editor.Editor | |
CWoopWoop.Entity | Represents an entity in the game world |
CWoopWoop.Entity.EntityCreator | Class responsible for creating entities and configuring their properties |
CWoopWoop.Game | Represents the base class for a game |
CWoopWoop.MathUtil | |
CWoopWoop.WoopWoopEngine | The main engine class responsible for managing the game loop and rendering |